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The Spanish Dream: What Drives Americans to Seek a New Life in Spain?
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The Spanish Dream: What Drives Americans to Seek a New Life in Spain?

In recent years, Spain has become an increasingly popular destination for Americans seeking a change of pace and lifestyle. The data shows that more and more Americans are relocating to Spain. To understand this trend, we took to the streets of Spain to ask Americans who have made the move. The key reasons they cited include cost of living, healthcare, food quality, and overall lifestyle. Here’s a closer look at why Americans are choosing Spain as their new home, in their own words.

Cost of Living

One of the primary reasons Americans are moving to Spain is the lower cost of living. Many remote workers have discovered that their dollar stretches much further in Spain. For instance, monthly rent, mobile phone plans, and daily expenses are significantly cheaper compared to the United States.

‘I’m a remote software developer, and moving to Spain has been a game-changer for my finances. I pay half the rent I used to in California, and my overall expenses are much lower,‘ says David now residing in Valencia.


Healthcare is another major factor driving Americans to Spain. The Spanish healthcare system is renowned for its quality and affordability. In contrast to the U.S., where medical expenses can quickly deplete savings, Spain offers peace of mind with its comprehensive and accessible healthcare services.

‘Back in the States, I was always worried about potential medical bills. Here in Spain, I don’t have that constant stress. The healthcare system is excellent,’ shares Lisa, who now lives in Madrid.

Food Quality

The quality of food in Spain is another attraction for Americans. Fresh, locally sourced ingredients are a staple of the Spanish diet, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, portion sizes in Spain are more reasonable compared to the often oversized portions in the U.S.

‘The food here is amazing. Everything is so fresh, and the portion sizes are perfect. I feel much healthier eating here,‘ comments Michael, residing in Barcelona.


The Spanish lifestyle itself is a significant draw. Spain is known for its relaxed pace of life, with cultural practices like the siesta and a strong emphasis on socializing. This slower pace leads to lower stress levels and a more enjoyable daily life.

‘Life in Spain is so much more relaxed. People take their time, enjoy their meals, and prioritize social connections. It’s a refreshing change from the hustle and bustle of the U.S.,‘ notes Sarah, who moved to Granada.

Spain offers a combination of financial, health, and lifestyle benefits that many Americans find irresistible. The lower cost of living, excellent healthcare system, quality food, and relaxed lifestyle collectively create an environment where Americans can live more comfortably and healthily. For these reasons, Spain continues to be an attractive destination for those looking to improve their quality of life.

Let us know in the comments why you relocated to Spain…

Main image: Shutterstock/Geber86

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The weather is so much dryer and warmer here in Spain.. The food is excellent the outdoor life (because of the weather) is great too…. We love it

    comments user

    Yes, spending time outdoors practically all year round is one of the best things about living in Spain

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American food portions are huge!!

    comments user

    They certainly are!

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