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Spain Faces Extreme Weather Contrasts at End of May
extreme weather Spain summer 2024

Spain Faces Extreme Weather Contrasts at End of May

As May comes to an end, Spain is experiencing a dramatic contrast in weather conditions. Temperatures are expected to vary by up to 20ºC between the northern and southern regions of the country.

Cold Air in the North

In the northern regions of Spain, cold air masses are moving in, resulting in much cooler temperatures. Daytime temperatures in the Cantabrian region are expected to drop below 20ºC. Cities like Santander and San Sebastián will see temperatures around 20ºC, while Bilbao and Oviedo will experience highs of about 24ºC. By Thursday May 30, a new cold front will further decrease temperatures in the Cantabrian region and the Pyrenees, making the weather even cooler.

Heat in the South

In stark contrast, the southern regions of Spain are heating up significantly. In particular, the Guadalquivir Valley is expected to see temperatures soar to between 38ºC and 40ºC by Friday May 31. This significant rise in temperature will create a stark 20ºC difference between the northern and southern parts of the peninsula. Cities in the south like Seville and Córdoba are expected to have temperatures near 37ºC, while central cities like Madrid and Zaragoza will hover around 34ºC.

Midweek Heat Spike

Starting Wednesday May 29, temperatures in the northeast, north plateau, and central regions will exceed 30ºC. The southern regions will see temperatures surpassing 35ºC in the Tagus, Guadiana, and Guadalquivir valleys. For instance, Valladolid will reach 32ºC, while Lleida, Madrid, and Zaragoza will hover around 34ºC. Cáceres, Toledo, and Ciudad Real will experience temperatures around 35ºC. These are temperatures ‘typical of midsummer, in July,’ with tropical nights where temperatures stay above 20ºC.

Rain and Storms

Despite the heat in the south, the northern and eastern parts of Spain will experience rain and thunderstorms. Starting Thursday May 30, rain showers and thunderstorms are expected in northern and eastern regions, including the Balearic Islands. Strong storms are anticipated in northern Cataluña, with light rains spreading to Aragón and northern Valencia. This weather pattern is partly due to the Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos (DANA) or Isolated High-Level Depression, which could bring more intense storms.

Weekend Temperature Drop

The intense heat in the south is expected to be brief. According to the Spanish Meteorological Agency (Aemet), a thermal decline is forecasted over the weekend. However, southern regions will still experience temperatures above 34ºC. On Friday May 31, temperatures will begin to decrease, with highs not exceeding 34ºC. In the Cantabrian and Upper Ebro regions, maximum temperatures will barely reach 20ºC.

Long-term Trends

Each decade, summers in Spain are getting longer and the heat arrives earlier. In the last decade, Spain has seen 40ºC or more for the first time in mid-June. This year’s forecasts indicate a warmer than usual summer for Spain and much of Europe.

Main image credit: Shutterstock/New Africa

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