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Road Transport Strike Announced Ahead of Black Friday & Christmas
Road Transport Strike Announced Ahead of Black Friday & Christmas The International Reporter

Road Transport Strike Announced Ahead of Black Friday & Christmas

Unions Demand Early Retirement for Drivers

Spain’s two largest unions, CC.OO. and UGT, have announced a nationwide strike in the road transport sector. The strike will begin on October 28 and target key dates such as Black Friday, the December long weekend, and even Christmas if an agreement is not reached. The unions are calling for new regulations that allow professional drivers to retire earlier, citing safety concerns as drivers age.

Key Dates for the Strike

The strike will affect both the transportation of goods and passengers, in general all professional drivers will strike including bus drivers, taxi drivers etc. Here are the confirmed dates for the planned stoppages:

  • October 28
  • November 11, 28, and 29
  • December 5, 9, and 23

If no progress is made in talks with the government and transport companies, the strike will continue indefinitely from December 23, potentially causing major disruptions during the Christmas travel and shopping season.

Concerns Over Aging Drivers

CC.OO. and UGT argue that many drivers, especially those over 55, are more likely to be involved in accidents, putting both themselves and others at risk. The unions highlight that some drivers are still working at 67 years old, transporting vulnerable groups such as children and elderly passengers. They argue that these working conditions not only endanger public safety but also increase the likelihood of accidents being classified as work-related incidents.

The Fight for Early Retirement

The unions have been pushing for early retirement options for 20 years. They claim the government and employers have systematically blocked progress. CC.OO. and UGT are demanding the recognition of the risks and hardships faced by professional drivers and the introduction of partial retirement schemes. These would allow older drivers to reduce their working hours or retire early with support from younger replacements.

The unions believe that public backing is crucial, as their demands focus on making the roads safer for everyone. However, without an agreement, the strike is set to cause significant disruptions to deliveries, travel plans, and holiday shopping, especially as Christmas approaches.

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Image: Pexels/Scott Webb

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Retirement age should definitely be brought down for professional truck/bus drivers..I think 60 would be a good compromise…

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